What is Conversation Design?

Conversational Design (CD) might be the best way to engage with your employees, partners and customers. I argue that we are currently designing applications that are harsh, abstract, and serve somebody else’s interest. Applications are repetitive, and do not reward our effort. It’s time to change our digital design attitude from pages to conversations.

Yet, we keep designing pages as if it’s the most effective system in the world. Perhaps we don’t know any better? Perhaps it is convenient to separate interaction, design & technology because they fit our individual personality types?

The most effective digital solution is the one that’s most convenient and valuable for people. Software that supports people in achieve their goals in a humane and friendly way. Interactions and moments that are mesmerizing and makes them come back to you for more, for their personal and collective benefit.

Our current applications are passive and reactive, making us the robots. If we want to pro-actively engage with customers you might want to try and build Conversational Assistants. An assistant which guided your guides your customer through a task completion in meaningful ways, and connecting touch points with ease.

Pages and features are linear, static, and don’t serve any expectation management. Features result in a lot of repetitive actions, which often are not stored or re-used. We need to tailor our solutions to needs, desires, and aspirations of our customers. Design solutions that help people and if they are ready we can sell to people.

Simple example of a conversation with your customer. The Conversational Assistant for your business.

People don’t buy products, they buy a better self.

Each product has different perspectives.

A car to buy VS a car to lease.

Yet we tend to communicate product specifications all the time. If we really want to humanize our software design we need to use empathy, creativity & strategy. We need to strategize our design effort and start involving our lead-customers and have meaningful conversations with them.
These conversations will be input for your conversational assistants. Welcome to a new design potential for your organization!

63%* of the world is immersed in chat every day, yet we are still designing in pages…

Audience targeting is the most important thing to master, Facebook understands this… Yet we are still designing pages with static content… While Facebook goes full-in on private messaging… Letting your users slip/bounce should be a thing of the past if you approach them with sincere interest and open questions.

* https://www.metrixlab.com/

Conversational Design is the best way to start communicating with all your (potential) customers. If you are not designing with your customer you are not designing for your customer. CID focuses on stories, conversations & processes for specific archetype actors which has a specific thought, emotion or action in mind.

Conversational Design makes use of the rules in Screenwriting! We as adults need structure in our online interactions just a bad as children need structure in their TV shows! We crave setup, conflict & resolution. Our brains are wired for stories and conclusions!

Yet Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn and many others don’t provide closure! They don’t facilitate a resolution. You may revisit previous engagement and continue where you left off, but it never comes to a concise outcome.

Our modern social platforms know exactly how to skip the most important step in digital design. They don’t provide closure, they don’t provide an outcome, they keep you engaged with unrest.


Time for something human!

Start designing for Good & Engagement with the Stellar UX Toolkit servicing your customers 24/7 across all your (digital) touch points.

Conversational Design adds meaningful human engagement because it is turn-based. Conversation Design enables actors from being unfamiliar with your brand in becoming your brand ambassadors.

By providing interactive stories in conversational scripts. Conversational design humanizes your digital design efforts by focusing on engagement with your stories and starts building relationships with your Actors from the first contact.

Sales will give you a customer once, meaningful stories and engagement will give you a customer for life.

At the moment I am setting up my first course for Conversation Design. Send me a message on stellarux @ nielskijf.com if you want free early access.

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